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Trying to be stylish and match every color in your wardrobe can be a difficult task. Let’s see if we can demystify this fashion topic a bit today.

We’ll go through a few basic colors that everyone owns. It’s a fun little punch list guide so that you can see which colors match and which colors need to find their match. On the way to finding your style, you’ll be exploring your body type, dialing in your flattering fit, meshing that with the proper seasonal attire, and of course getting the color coordination locked down.

Style matters! 

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What colors go with navy blue?

This color is a very popular one for both your home, and your wardrobe. Blue is also a psychologically soothing color, one of trust, so it’s a nice subliminal message – and energy – to be spreading.

But which colors go best with navy blue?

  • White: The colors resemble winter and the beach. White is a great choice for matching navy blue.
  • A bright orange: There really isn’t an explanation for it, the colors just harmonize.
  • Brown/tan/other neutral colors: Navy blue works best with colors that are both bright and bold. A good neutral is both.
  • Leafy or dark green: It is no mystery that blue works best with nature colors considering blue is a bold color in nature.


What colors go with maroon?

Much like the navy blue above, maroon is a popular color in our wardrobe. This is especially true around fall fashion time and in a lovely winter wonderland. So what do you need to match it? 

  • A rose pink: This might seem like a weird suggestion, but the brighter prink tone mixed with the darker red tone makes this perfectly mesh.
  • Teal or light blue: When pairing these colors with a maroon, you should go with a more subtle accessory. Try a purse or heels with this vibrant color. But however you style it or add to your repertoire, these colors will match.
  • Gray: As bland as the color might seem on its own, it goes very well with maroon. The two actually complement each other so much that I would suggest finding a way to bring gray into almost all of your maroon ensembles.
  • Gold: Oh yeah, we went there. Gold and maroon look amazing together. If you want a look that will turn heads, a subtle gold, or even a bold gold jacket, with a maroon dress will gain the attention of everyone.
  • White: This also comes with a sort of holiday and winter vibe. It’s very subtle and extremely stylish. 10/10.


What colors go with orange?



They say nothing rhymes with orange and they’re right. But what colors match with orange the best?

  • Red: This seems like cheating, but I promise you that red and orange go great together. As long as they’re visibly different colors.
  • Yellow: If you are looking for a solid spring and summer look, yellow will bring any orange to life.
  • Black: This color is supposed to match everything but it best matches orange. The two colors together can do wonderful things in the fashion world.
  • Blue: Orange and blue are a bold fashion choice, but the colors match well together.


What colors go with pink?

This soft color is very underrated. Here are some colors you can put with it to bring more attention to the pink outfits in the world.

  • Blue: Gender reveal parties are not the only reason you should be putting these two colors together. They look great together when wearing them out to the grocery store.
  • Green: These fresh colors go so well together but don’t just take my word for it. Match them up and wear them out! As long as it’s a subtle leafy green, you will have a great look on your hands.
  • Purple: For the girly girl in your life, purple and pink look fantastic when put together.
  • Black: As I mentioned earlier, black goes with everything. Pink and black look great together for many reasons. You should give the look a try if you want to try something different.
  • White: Light colors compliment dark colors the same way they compliment other light colors. White and Pink are both lighter shades, but they work perfectly together.


What colors go with red?


Lastly, we have a classic. People say red is a bit overrated, but those people just aren’t pairing it with the right colors.

  • Orange: Like I mentioned earlier, red and orange can compliment each other very well when the right shade is chosen.
  • Blue: Blue is one of those colors that go great with a lot of other colors. Red and Blue will always match.
  • Purple: This is like the pink, just darker.
  • Green: Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, red and green look great together. You can’t deny that.
  • White: This color combo gives off winter vibes.

Black: A red dress or shirt with a black jacket or jeans will always be a fashion statement I can support.

There you have it! We may have another touch-up list in the future where we deal with specific shades and pastels. Complete with more visual reference so we can dial in this conversation. Now, it’s fashion. It’s expression. It’s attitude; it doesn’t have to be rigid and filled with rules. So, although we’ll be sharing best-match-policy – it’s okay to color outside the lines a little. If you’re personal panache and demeanor can pull it off, you get a pass!

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