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If you are finally ready to find your style, I am here to help you. A lot of people have trouble figuring out what works for them. But I can give you a few tips on how to find your style. You only need to know a few things in order to find the style that is best for you.

So, let’s jump into it.


First: Knowing your body type

There are a lot of different body types, so for the first of these style tips, you should perform a bit of self-discovery to explore your body type. Know thyself, got it?

You could have an hourglass body, a tall frame, a petite frame, or a plus size frame. There are a lot of different body tips, so you should find out which one fits you best before moving on to the next section. This is only so you know you are getting a style that is best for you. The idea is to know what you’re working with (your unique canvas) and then o you feel and look comfortable.




What’s your personality like?

If you are into more happy and wholesome things, you probably like to wear dresses with bright and pastel colors. But if you are interested in horror and thriller movies, you might like darker colors. Think about the way your home is decorated, and the movies you watch. These are all signs of what kind of personality you have and what kind of style should follow that personality.


Know what you like, and what you don’t like

You can’t choose a style that is perfect for you, if you don’t like what you are wearing. If you think that your personality looks better with dresses but you don’t like wearing dresses, then you can find an alternative option.

Your personality is a big part of what style fits you, but you also have to be comfortable with what you are wearing. I have a friend who’s all about her big day, THE big day; everything MUST be perfect and ornate. Every detail planned out and every frill and “extra” included. Then I have a simple wedding concept friend; a backyard, intimate and small gathering is JUST the ticket. 

Our personalities and likes are so different and that’s a beautiful thing. The bottom line is, you need to know where your heart lies and be true to yourself.


Create an inspiration board

A board on Pinterest will be surprisingly helpful when trying to find a style that is best for you.

You can go to the website, create an account, and look for style tips and different style inspiration. If you see a coat, shirt, or a pair of jeans that you would like to own, pin it to a board and save it for later. You can put together digital outfits that you think would work for you so you have an idea of what you like at least at first glance.

And hey, a little photo editing of the outfits onto an image of yourself may be just the ticket. Saves you the hassle of buying-and-returning if you don’t like the fit of a new purchase.


Most importantly: Experiment

You are never going to be able to find the style that you desire if you don’t experiment with styles. You might think that you like to wear black dresses with bright colored heels, but you will never know unless you give it a shot.

You can find clothing websites that will send you outfits to try, and if you don’t like it, you can send it back at the end of the week. Sign up for one of these websites and try on everything you think works for you.

If you need more information on how to find your style, you can check out different videos that will help inform you on some of the things we discussed here. There are some other goodies in that video I think you’ll like. Just make sure to give yourself time. You’re on a path of self-discovery or re-discovery. Maybe you had a life-changing event or chain of events. 

It happens. 

Or perhaps you’re just tired of the same ol’, same old. It’s okay to shake things up. Be bold. Embrace you. Step out there on the ledge and venture into the fashion great wide open in confidence!

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