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You stylish star.

Look at you.

A perfect, shimmering YOU on a quest for some stylish embellishment. A dash of fashion and accessories. You deserve it.

We at Seven Clothes are your source for fashion recommendations, news, stylish trends, and top notch appearance tips. You found a family here dedicated to helping you discover and explore your stylish expression. So have a look around and make yourself at home.


You’re beautiful all on your own. A natural and wonderful canvas and painting.

We’re just here to help you add those artistic finishing touches. Let’s get started today.

You are not alone.

You’re among smart company.

Here at Seven Survival we strive to be your survivalist and prepper headquarters. Your source of news and information for enduring these times of trouble.

You’re like us. People who “get it.” You have that instinct that tells you something just isn’t quite right in this world. We feel it just like you.

The splintering of society. A dismal breakdown in geopolitical harmony. Currency meltdowns and fear of melt-ups. Housing bubbles and crashes. Precious metal hoarding. Food shortages. Coin shortages. Threats or rumors of EMP and nuclear disasters.

Who knows what’s next?

But all this won’t be changed or prevented overnight. And not by us, the regular folk.

All we can do is prepare and adapt. It’s all about 7 days a week of survival. Thriving all day, every day. Regardless of what the future may bring.

So go ahead. Browse our articles. Read our reviews. Send us an email with questions about a particular survival or prepper’s topic. And
consider making your product selections using our links. It helps our marketers and writers and, in turn, we will keep helping others just like you.

Thank you for dropping by. Together we will survive it all.